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Sunday, January 14, 2018

TopHatter.com Fun Auction Site... but deceptive and sneaky.

I mentioned deceptive advertising practices in my last post. I decided to toss in one more example that illustrates the phrase 'Buyer Beware'. This image shows a tablet with stylus. Many people are bidding on the item they see in the image, having no idea that they ARE NOT bidding on a tablet with stylus. First of all, you can buy tablets on Amazon for $50 or less. Where do they come up with the $1,265 suggested price?

As I stated before 'Buyer Beware'. The description for this product clearly states that the bidding if for a stylus for a tablet. No tablet. Just a stylus.

Some unsuspecting bidder paid $16 for a stylus, probably thinking they got a great deal on a tablet with stylus.

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