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Sunday, January 14, 2018

TopHatter.com Fun Auction Site... but deceptive and sneaky.

I mentioned deceptive advertising practices in my last post. I decided to toss in one more example that illustrates the phrase 'Buyer Beware'. This image shows a tablet with stylus. Many people are bidding on the item they see in the image, having no idea that they ARE NOT bidding on a tablet with stylus. First of all, you can buy tablets on Amazon for $50 or less. Where do they come up with the $1,265 suggested price?

As I stated before 'Buyer Beware'. The description for this product clearly states that the bidding if for a stylus for a tablet. No tablet. Just a stylus.

Some unsuspecting bidder paid $16 for a stylus, probably thinking they got a great deal on a tablet with stylus.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wish.com - Beware of the "Great Shopping Deals"

If your looking for good stuff, dirt cheap, wish.com may just be the site you're looking for.  I'm not going to go into all the products they have or the prices, you can check that out for yourself. I've gotten some really good stuff and been burned by cheap quality on others. Have you seen the TV ads for Night Angel?  Electrical wall outlet plates that have built in LED night lights. They're a great product. I have a few. On TV they're advertised 3 for $19.99. Wish has them for $1! Here's the catch. These products ship from China and usually take a month or more to arrive.  So, if you're willing to wait, you can find some great deals here.

As the title of this blog states though.... BEWARE.  Read the descriptions of the products before you buy.  The initial product display might show one thing, but a more detailed description will tell you a different story.  Here are two examples.
Image #1 below shows a 30TB hard disk drive. It sells for $9.00. You may think you're getting one hell of a deal on a drive but if you click on the product the description clearly states that you are buying a hard drive case.  No drive inside... just the case!

Image #2 shows a backup camera with monitor.  A great deal at only $6.00.  The truth is, all you get is a small camera (1" X 1") and the wiring.  A monitor, as shown on the ad, is not included.

I've found dozens of other products that you really need to read the detailed product info or you may get burned.  An example would be the wireless phone chargers.  Read the detailed description to find out if it works on your phone. All chargers, (or phones), are not created equal!

This is not a promotion for wish.com.  I don't have any affiliate status with them and will not make any money from them if you visit them.
There are auction sites popping up that sell these same products that you also need to be careful on.  Two such sites are Tophatter.com and Dollarstart.com.   These auction sites sell the same products that wish.com sells, but also contain some deceptive product images.
You might bid on an item based on the picture, but the detailed description will state that product shipped will be determined by supplies.

   This is the product shown......  

  This is what was actually shippied...  

In close, enjoy your shopping but
 "Let The Buyer Beware"  

Caveat Emptor

Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Better File Explorer For Windows.

Starting with the dawn of Windows, the file explorer has always lacked functionality.  With its two panel view, moving or copying files always required you to select move or copy then click over to another folder and paste.  Now there's a much faster, easier way. FreeCommander XE.   FreeCommander not only gives you a 4 panel view, allowing you to view 2 hard drives or folders simultaneously, but has faster search functions, ftp, built in compression software and a multitude of other features that Windows Explorer lacks.  FreeCommander's tool bars and panel views speed up tasks by allowing you to click and go, eliminating the need to click multiple tabs in order to find your desired function.  I'm not going into a huge, long article telling you how great I think this program is.  Try it for yourself and see.  Views of File Explorer (Windows) and FreeCommander XE are below.

Windows File Explorer

FreeCommander XE

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Beginning - Why I started this blog.

There's a lot of information posted on the internet. Some of it is easy to find, some of it is almost impossible, and some of it we stumble across by accident. The purpose of this blog simply to pass along some of the things I've learned, observed or discovered. I'll be posting some opinions, solutions I've found to problems and websites I've found to be worthy of mention. I'll refrain from political opinions, though I have quite a few. I hope you'll find some info that helps you out. Michael